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Enter the rotor settings (1 to 26 only) (r1, r2 and r3). Hit enter and enter the plaintext(no punctuation marks/special characters or capital letters). Hit enter again and you will get the ciphertext.

Enigma: HTML Embed


Enter the rotor settings (1 to 26 only) used during encryption (r1, r2, r3). Hit enter and enter the cypher text (no punctuation marks/special characters or capital letters) that you want to unscramble. Hit enter and you will get the unscrambled plaintext.

Enigma: HTML Embed
Enigma: HTML Embed

This is a model of the Enigma where there are 3 rotors but a letter can be scrambled as itself. There are slides to explain the Enigma that was used by the Germans during world war 2.

Enigma: Text
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